I have learned through the years, it’s never really about the goals you have achieved or the things that you have, but it is the person you become along the way to achieving those goals. It is learning who you are and how you operate and it is the most difficult times that you face in life that really show yourself what you are capable of. It’s about becoming better each day and becoming better than you were yesterday.

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“Jacquelyn MacKenzie is one of those rare leaders who can integrate business acumen with heart. A powerhouse whether she is engaging an audience on stage, in a boardroom, or on a job site; she is smart, enterprising, accomplished yet relatable. She is the business partner everyone wishes they had.”

Rania Walker, President, Front Door PR

Jacquelyn has worked with 1000’s of people from around the globe. Her down-to-earth approach coupled with her straightforward strategies for success helped propel her to become one of the most quietly sought after coaches globally. She has earned her moniker, human growth expert, by her students and mentees, who have reported an exceptional track record of client success. Jacquelyn has worked with companies from Law Firms, Health Care Offices, Sales Organizations, Manufacturing Companies, Academies, Real Estate Firms and has also worked with many individuals from solo entrepreneurs, people looking to find their passion,  individuals that want start a business or people that wanted to increase their results.



This is new territory for me, but I love to write, share stories and experiences and share tips that have worked for me.

I like to give people things to think about. Thinking is the highest function we are capable of, but we were never really taught to think intellectually. Mental activity isn’t thinking, mental activity is your routine thoughts that take no conscious effort, basically your day to day thinking. Becoming aware of your thoughts and how you think is crucial to the growth you seek.

“You don’t have to be extreme


I look forward to connecting with you, and sharing things that ad to your personal growth and value to your life.

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