Hey there!

Welcome to my blog!

This is new territory for me, but I love to write, share stories and experiences and share tips that have worked for me.

I like to give people things to think about. Thinking is the highest function we are capable of, but we were never really taught to think intellectually. Mental activity isn’t thinking, mental activity is our day to day thinking. No conscious effort put to them.

An amazing tool we have, which helps us to learn and grow, is being able to think our way into something and/or think our way out of something. One of the best ways we can do that, is through stories, shared experiences, shared tips, etc….

I am a lifelong student in a course called “LIFE” and I’ve had huge amounts of success. I’ve also been at rock
bottom and what has helped me the most, was being taught how to think differently. I learned how to take my stories, experiences, studies and challenges and identify the “message” or the “lesson” in each of them and I apply them in every aspect of my life!

My hope is that by sharing this knowledge with you, it will help you in some way, shape or form!


Your Year in Review, 17 Questions to help you Reflect

One of the best ways to set yourself up to win for the following year is to self reflect on what went well and what didn’t go as planned and how you performed. These are my 17 questions that I do every year to help me reflect on my year and what I want to do differently next year!

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I look forward to connecting with you, and sharing things that ad to your personal growth and value to your life.

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